
The Pursuit Of Personal Fulfillment

Decent Essays

Irene and Brian: The pursuit of personal fulfillment in Passing
In the novel Passing, Nella Larsen explores the intricacies of the social and ethical pressures mounted on the middle class bourgeoisie black community. The middle class black, as they aspired to embody the stereotypical image of middle class which boader on white values, represses their individuality and “blackness”. Some of the mixed race, African Americans who were pale enough to pass for white, take that opportunity to marry white men and escape the burden of racism and segregation and also escape the poverty line. This is the case of one of the novel’s protagonist Clare. However, some of these mixed race African Americans took pride in staying “true” to their race and kind, but ironically gives in to the pressure by “passing” when it is beneficial to them. Irene and Brian Redfield are the Gold standard of the middle class bourgeoisie family. Brian, a doctor and Irene the accessory, wife and perfect hostess, both struggle in their loveless marriage as they try to balance their need for self fulfillment with the pressures of appealing to their social class. As they acknowledge, confront and pursue their search for personal fulfillment, it becomes imperative that they repress their sexual and racial proclivities being that they are black. More so, their sense of personal fulfillment is inevitably tied to the fulfillment of the demands of their social class which deceptively boaders on white values of

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