
The Reign Of Recycling

Decent Essays

Do cities and other places have to pay to recycle?”Despite decades of exhortations and mandates, it’s still typically more expensive for municipalities to recycle household waste than to send it to a landfill”(The Reign of Recycling). Recycling is more expensive but has more benefits than sending garbage to the landfill. Sending garbage to a landfill causes land pollution people need to be educated, have changed attitudes, and motivated to change and solve this problem. One solution to prevent land pollution is to educate people about the topic. Most people do not know why land pollution is such a large problem will not the garbage just dissolve into the earth.”What makes land pollution such a problem is that land is static,so land pollution …show more content…

Many people say that recycling is a waste of time or that they just don't have the time.”Yes it’s popular in affluent neighborhoods like Park Slope in Brooklyn and in cities like San Francisco, but residents of Bryon and Houston don't have the same fervor for sorting garbage in their spare time’(“The Reign of Recycling”). The world needs more people to recycle no matter where they live. It seems that even if more people have started recycling things have not changed much.”While it’s true that the recycling message has reached more people than ever, when it come down to the bottom line,both economically and environmentally, not much has changed at all”(“The Reign of Recycling”). People need to work harder to make a change that will account to something. The goals are being set higher and higher but with little success. ”While politicians set higher and higher goals, the national rate of recycling has stagnated in recent years”(“The Reign of Recycling”). This rate has ceased to flow. If something changes how people feel about recycling then the nation may be able to meet its …show more content…

There are many programs but too little enthusiasm. ”Recycling programs abound, but people are often lackadaisical about putting plastic,paper, glass and metal into those bins”(“How Do You Encourage Recycling”). The world has enough programs but it need more people. People need to think about how recycling helps everything and everyone around them. ”They asked people to think more abstractly about why recycling contributed to the community, air, land, and water resources “(“How Do You Encourage Recycling”). When people recycle they need to remember why they are doing this and what it helps. The world needs to look at what it can gain or lose when recycling and not recycling. ”Marketing professor Kate White of University of British Columbia shared studies that looked at two kinds of messages:those that highlight the negative consequences of not recycling,loss framed message, versus those that emphasize the positive consequences of recycling,gain framed message.”(“How Do You Encourage Recycling”). These messages will address what people can gain and lose. Motivating people to recycle could make a huge change in land pollution even solve the problem with

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