
The Repeated Failure of the League of Nations in Keeping Peace

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The Repeated Failure of the League of Nations in Keeping Peace

The League of Nations repeatedly failed in keeping the peace because, first of all Hitler went against the Treaty of Versailles and started World War 2 yet the League of Nations failed to react. The Treaty of Versailles also failed because Mussolini in Abyssinia went against the league and Manchuria also contributed towards the failure to keep the peace. The structure of the league didnÂ’t help as the council only met once a year. The power of the league was very weak as there was no military force. Finally the lack of strong nations joining the league contributed to the failure of the League of Nations.

The League of Nations failed …show more content…

The League of Nations also failed because Mussolini, a dictator from Italy, prepared to invade Abyssinia. Abyssinia then asked the League for help; while the League of Nations talked to Mussolini he used the time to send an army into Africa. The League of Nations then suggested giving Abyssinia to Italy. Mussolini ignored the League of Nations and invaded Abyssinia. In secret however Britain and France agreed to give Abyssinia to Italy, the Hoare-Laval Pact.

Manchuria became a factor or the failure of the League of Nations in 1932 when the Japanese army invaded Manchuria and threw out the Chinese residents. They then set up their own government called the ‘Manchoukuo’. When china asked the League of Nations for help it sent a group of officials led by Lord Lytton to study the problem, this however took a year, but in February 1933 they ordered Japan to leave Manchuria.

However Japan refused to leave Manchuria and instead left the League of Nations. As many countries had important trading links with Japan the League of Nations couldnÂ’t agree on sanctions or even ban weapon sales. Britain and France didnÂ’t want a war therefore nothing was done. This showed the League of Nations as weak and powerless therefore adding to the failures and breakdown of the League of Nations.

The way the League of Nations was

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