
The Revolution Of The Reign Of Terror

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Revolutions are often started as a response to an unjust form of government, and the Reign of Terror’s new revolutionary government was no exception. Although the revolutionary government was meant to replace a tyrannical government, it quickly turned into the dictatorial government it tried to replace and in many cases stepped far outside of the bounds of lawful or just action. During late 18th century France in the time period between the execution of King Louis XVI and the execution of Maximilien de Robespierre, the Reign of Terror senselessly guillotined thousands of people. Conditions in France in 1793 and 1794 were not serious enough to justify the revolutionary government’s response due to the response to external threats, response to internal threats, and the extreme methods deployed.
The government’s response to the external threats to France was indisputably unjustified throughout the Reign of Terror. In 1972, France engaged in war with a Prussian and Austrian coalition (Doc B). Austria and Prussia were primarily motivated because the monarchy didn’t want the French Revolution to spread to their country and result in the loss of their own power. However, this is exactly what happened when France took the Austrian Netherlands by 1795 (Doc B), an unwarranted act of aggression that France, the defending country in the war, should not have taken. French émigrés were also threat to French society because of their treasonous alliance with Austria and Prussia, which may

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