
The Right To Religious Freedom In The United States

Decent Essays

In America, we have many rights, including the rights to free speech, peaceful protest, voting, and to bear arms. Although they are important, I believe that there is one right that is more important than any of these. That is our right to religious freedom. It is the first right guaranteed in the Bill of Rights, and the First Amendment. It gives us the right to practice any religion we choose, or, if we would like, to practice no religion at all. This is a gift, which we are all stewards of, and it is our duty to share this gift with other nations and people.
Religious freedom is not only the right to worship when and where we want. It is a moral obligation to contribute to the common good of all people. Religious Freedom is the most fundamental, basic human right. Without the right to religion, all other rights have no foundation. With the fact that religion and faith create our conscience, and our ability to choose right from wrong, we have a basis for all other things. We are able to tell whether things are right or wrong. We all have the right to seek the truth, especially about religion.
The need for religious freedom …show more content…

One important thing about religious freedom and liberty is that the state does not control faith. Even in the United States, our right to religious freedom is suppressed by the government. For example, the Little Sisters of the Poor are harassed by the government and compelled to participate in an insurance program that goes against what they believe in. More and more, the government is forcing people to cooperate with their views, and tries to stop people from practicing their faith. In China, Syria, Libya, and Iran, people of many different faiths are martyred because they try to practice their faith. This must stop, because with the right to life and the pursuit of happiness, the right to religious freedom is among the most important fundamental

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