
The Rise Of Fascism During Nazi Germany And Germany

Best Essays

The first topic of the semester will explore the rise of Fascism in Nazi Germany and the methods by which citizens of Germany and Austria were influenced to join in Nazi ideology and policies or to resist them.
In this assessment, you need to research the influence of the different individuals and organisations who either supported or resisted the Nazi Government. You will need to prepare a response to the question:
“What was the impact of individuals/groups within Nazi Germany in supporting or challenging the Nazi regime?”
You may present your response how you wish; however there is a word length of 750 words.
Assessment Due Week 7 Term 1. If you are unable to meet this deadline, you need to request an extension …show more content…

Specifically, identify the significance of their impact on Nazi society. Did they challenge broader society, or was their impact restricted to subsets of society?

Explain how these social roles were reflected in both individuals and organisations. This will be easiest by exploring their power structures and methods of operation.
COMMUNICATION Ensure you structure your presentation appropriately. Essays, Posters and PowerPoints all need to include:
• an introduction to the topic;
• supporting evidence for your point of view;
• a conclusion.

These should be coherent and relevant arguments.

Use subject-specific language, by talking about the political structures of Nazi Germany, using appropriate names and titles for individuals, and a formal register throughout your assessment piece.

Throughout your presentation, make sure you demonstrate your research through the maintenance of a bibliography.

A Comprehensive and relevant explanation of how particular societies in selected periods and places have been shaped by both internal and external forces. Perceptive application of hypotheses and/or focusing questions to guide historical inquiry. Well-informed and insightful understanding and appreciation of the role of particular individuals and groups in history. Well-structured and coherent communication of well-informed and

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