
The River, The Lake, And The Beans

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The River, The Lake, And The Beans.

Ronnie Rosario
Elvira Rodriguez
Nermin Moustafa
Matthew Barnhart

Doing Science (127)
Dr. Beaudry and Dr. Hluchy

I. Abstract

The purpose of this water experiment is to compare two sources of waters and see if they would affect the growth of beans. For the purpose of this test, multiple samples were implemented to gather results with as much accuracy as possible. Every two days a study of our beans was conducted. Measuring the growth/length of each bean. 40 samples were used. The team hypothesized that the water from Foster Lake would grow plants faster than the water from Kanakadea Creek due to the bio-diverse nature of the lake and its inhabitants. The results gathered show a surprising find in this study.

II. Introduction

Water is the most natural thing we have on earth. It sustains many organisms and those organisms depend on it almost daily. Plants are such organisms. For this study the focus is the growth of beans. Over the course of two weeks my team and I conducted research comparing the two types of waters that were selected and seeing if they had any significant differences in growing beans. The first week was inconclusive due to bean rot and negligence. Test two led to a more constant observation of growth and change of location. Results gathered from this experiment have shown a difference that different waters may have on the growth of plants. Beans that consumed certain water sources

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