
The Rocking Horse Winner Family Dysfunction

Decent Essays

In reading the story’s “The Rocking-Horse Winner” written by D.H. Lawrence, “The Lottery” by Shirley Jackson and “Everything That Rises Must Converge” by Flannery O’Connor we find three families who share nothing in common but one noticeable thing. They come from different places and come from different times. Family dysfunction is the one thing that both families sadly share.
In the story “The Rocking-Horse Winner” everything that happened in that family was based on money. They lived in a nice home with servants, something they could not afford. They were always trying to keep up with the Jones. There was always a voice in the house saying “There must be more money! There must be more money!” (101), and when there was money it was never enough. …show more content…

Tessie and her fellow towns people where extremely apathetic. When Mr. Summers came into the village square to begin you sensed a joyous occasion. He said to the towns people “Little late today, folks” (573), as if it were just another day. The children were all gathering stones for the winner or you could say loser, so they could help their parent’s stone someone to death. The fact that the children knew why they were gathering the stones is very disturbing. The people of this town were programed to accept this and accept it with a …show more content…

Summers begins calling names he starts with “Adams” (575), and the man comes forward and they address each other with humor. You sense from the story that everyone was smiling and happy as it was just another day. For them it seems as death by stoning was just as acceptable as playing a game of baseball. It was sport for them. When Mr. Warner says to the towns people “Come on, come on, everyone” (578), you get the sense that it was just business as usual. You didn’t hear any regret in his voice. He knew what was about to happen and he just callously tells everyone to hurry along. He knows someone is about to die, yet we don’t hear any regret in his tone. As Mr. Summers assistant he knew all too well what was happening. Most puzzling for me the parents are not trying to shield their children from any of this. This goes on from generation to generation and becomes an acceptable way of life.
The story “Everything That Rises Must Converge” is another story of a mother and son that is tragic. Julian’s mother is a product of her upbringing and views towards Negroes. She reminds him that his great-grandfather was a plantation owner, who had 200 slaves, Julian said to his mother irritably “There are no more slaves” (214). She talk about the ones that are half white being tragic. Clearly his mother had raciest views and this upsets Julian. While his mother is a product of her times, Julian is a product of his time and the change is

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