
The Rocking Horse Winner Symbolism Essay

Decent Essays

In “The Rocking Horse Winner,” a tragic story that broadcasts how greed overcomes love. Lawrence uses symbolism to manifest how love can be defeated by money. Paul’s mother’s lack of attention, his rocking horse, and the whispering house portray the lack of love and need to be greedy. Each Family member is different, but they seek their money that comes with Paul being lucky. The Rocking Horse depicts his isolation from the world due to his shortage of love. The back and forth motion is how Paul’s anxiety translates. Most children of his age wouldn’t be playing with the rocking horse. Paul lost his innocence of his childhood by trying to acquire her love. The way a mother raises you effects how you turn out, Paul didn’t have a solid example of a person who he should aspire to be. Paul’s mother denied her son of what most children around the world are given from day one. Now, his shortage of love has taken up his time to think about being a child, and all he desires is to make his mother more money than she could ever imagine. As readers we want to believe that the horse is magical, but it could’ve been that he just got lucky that one time. Although he continues to win, the exhaustion …show more content…

She is the definition of someone who is materialistic. Not only does she value materialistic items more than most things, but she does so over her children. There is an absence of love in her heart, her only passion in life is filled with greed and the want for more money. She thinks that this will bring satisfaction to her life. She lost all hope in life, I don’t think she values herself either. “Only she herself knew that at the center of her heart was a hard little place that could not feel love” (601). Hester wasn’t even harmed by her child’s death. Hester couldn’t comprehend that she had brought this death upon them. She is blinded from the truth since she has no real love for her

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