
The Role Of Starvation In Haiti

Decent Essays

Starvation is a huge issue in Haiti. One child dies every six seconds from the scarce amounts of food here. Poverty in Haiti is the leading cause of the lacking amounts of food for children here. This picture saddens me to think that there are children in other places around the world dying from something that I wouldn't even think of dying from. Food is something so plentiful in America; it's so normal to come home from school or where ever I am during the day and have food available to me. In some countries, like Haiti, they are blessed to get a small portion of food a day. Some children there don't have access to food for weeks at a time. it's really sad to know that my own country; (America) has so much food and a lot of access to it, and we don't majorly help out Haiti. We have helped them out by sending food but that doesn't solve the problem of millions of people. How did Haiti become so poor? …show more content…

This earthquake killed an estimated amount of 230,000-316,000 people. This many people dying caused some serious problems in their country. Haiti is known to be the poorest country in the western hemisphere and one of the main countries that is lacking food. In Haiti there is not many available resources. An example of the lack of resources is that they don't always have access to clean water. Some people don't drink clean water or eat for many days at a time. Many people dying and losing their things in this earthquake contributed to the poorness of this country. These facts that made Haiti so poor are devastating and

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