
The Role Of Unions And Their Importance Has Changed Over The Years

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The role of unions and their importance has changed over the years. A mixture of poor wages, high unemployment, non-existent benefits and insignificant professional stability amongst the more youthful era makes a ready demographic for restoration. The younger era is the slightest unionized section of our general public today by a long shot. Unions are important in today’s society because checks and balances are necessary entities in business and government, so if CEOs are just focusing on themselves and profits, unions are a necessary check to all that corporate power. Today and in the future, labor unions will continue to play an important role in our country 's work force and the quality of life for working families.
When unions are …show more content…

Offshore countries such as China and India have very little organized labor present, so the private sector is taking advantage of this by moving their business in order to take advantage of the low cost of labour.
Minimum wage is the lowest amount of money that an employer can pay an employee under labor law. The cruel irony of the minimum wage is that it harms most the very segments of our society that it is intended to help—the unskilled poor and the inexperienced young. However, the Canadian Labour Congress (2009) noted, “unionized worker earned $4.97 an hour more than a non-union worker in 2012”. That equates to roughly $10,000 more in monetary compensation relative to non-union workers. Although it varies based on sector and occupation, the union difference for workers across the board is undeniable. The unionized workers are able to live off a living wage.
In addition, an expanding conversation about how to end working poverty through decent jobs points out that is to not only important to make minimum wage, but an adequate living wage. For instance, the Raise The Minimum Wage Campain noted, “The minimum wage should be set 10% above the poverty line, using the Low Income Measure”. Unionization employees that get paid above minimum wage feel more comfortable and satisfied with their job, which indicates that they are less likely to resign from their duties. With skilled workers in greater demand, their job opportunities and their

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