
The Role of Learning Organization in Knowledge Management Process

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Management – Marketing - Tourism

Ph.D. Student B loi Ionu -Cosmin University of Craiova Faculty of Economics and Business Administration, Romania
Abstract: The content and the organization of work represent dimensions which do not only involve mobilizing competencies but are also dimensions in which competencies are developed. In an organization people create, accumulate or transfer knowledge, ideas, values, attitudes, feelings or experiences. The goal of a learning organization is to improve competency diffusion, to enrich them and to capitalize experiences. Chaos arises when the level of learning of the enterprise reaches a point in which it can no longer deal with …show more content…

If we refer to organizations and learning we must also mention what Reg Revans called Active Learning, a method used for personal training, training specialists and organizational learning. Grouped in small teams (named active learning groups) people approach important and learn from achievements in order to change things. Active learning includes four elements: the person itself, the active learning group, the respective problems and the measures taken in order to solve the problems which allow learning. The set of values that organizations work with and which constitutes the subject of learning is a complex one and has determined theoreticians to establish conceptual hierarchies of knowledge. The model of the five levels 15 that we present below reflects the progressive accumulation of the value of the data as they turn into competencies (see figure 1). Therefore, it is obvious that the data are a priori than isolated elements. When elements are placed into context and combined within a structure, the information acquires higher values. The information acquires new meanings by interpretations and assimilations, thus turning into knowledge. On this level, information is placed inside a mental structure and can be consciously used, for

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