
The Romans: The Gods And Greek Gods

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The Romans believed in more than one god. When A Roman conquered a god they took them and made a shrine in their house. The Romans had shrines towards god to worship them. The Romans took the Greek mythology and adopted it as their own. The 12 main gods/goddess were Jupiter God of the sky who was Zeus; Juno Jupiter’s wife and Queen of the gods/Goddess who was Hera; Mars God of war was Ares; Mercury god of the trade who was Hermes; Neptune God of the sea who was Poseidon; Venus Goddess of love and beauty who was Aphrodite; Apollo who was the God of music, Poetry and Archery stayed the same; Diana Goddess of the hunt, archery and animals who was Artemis; Minerva Goddess of wisdom who was Athena; Ceres Goddess of Agriculture and All seasons who

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