
The Scientific Revolution Was The Development Of Modern Science

Decent Essays

Angela Jimenez
January 21, 2016
History Paper Pd: 7

The scientific revolution was the development of modern science, when progress in physics, astronomy, biology, chemistry, and mathematics reconstructed views of nature and society. While the scientific revolution focused on the physical world, the enlightenment ventured to explain the purpose of government, and construe the best form of it. Blaise Pascal and Isaac Newton are two enlightened individuals with different views that challenged and formed political thought. In spite of that, Newton 's benefactions to political theory have stood the test of time and continue to shape the contemporary world.

Isaac Newton was a physicist and a mathematician who was widely recognized as one of the most influential scientist of all time. Newton was born on December 25, 1642 in Woolsthorpe, England and was the only son of a thriving local farmer, also called Isaac Newton. A premature baby born petite and weak, Newton was not likely to survive. When he was just 3 years old, his mother Hannah, remarried a man and left young Newton to live with him. At about age 12, Newton and his mother reunited after her second husband passed away. Newton entered at King 's School in Grantham, a small town where he was introduced to the captivating world of chemistry and lodged with a local druggist. His mother 's plan was to make him a farmer and have him direct the farm. Unfortunately, he failed miserably, as he found farming not amusing. Newton

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