
The Secret Garden Quotes

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In the book the secret garden by Frances Hodgsen burnett . The main charter is known as Mary Lennox a ten year old girl that has left her dead parents in India to live with her uncle in Yorkshire , England . mary goes in as a spoiled unloved and unloving monster to a girl who is loved and caring . Mary likes to play with animals and spend time with her friend .

The time setting of the book the secret garden is the early 1800’s in Yorkshire, England . The area that Mary was staying with her uncle was right off the moor in a mansion, that stands tall with gargoyles. With very many gardens surroundings it on all sides all sealed with doors many rose bushes and very large trees with pretty white blossoms. the place matters to the text because in this time in England you were expected to be very proper and well-mannered so Mary coming from India it is very different there as in the way they act they are well mannered but in a different way this effects the text in that Mary had to get used to doing many things for herself and to help and love other people .

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