
The Sexualization Of Female Youth

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In addition to allowing their daughters to wear sexually provocative clothing, some parents will pay for their daughter to get plastic surgery, some of which include breast augmentation and nose jobs. The APA states that in 2006 the American Society of Plastic Surgeons reported that they performed close to 80,000 surgeries on teenagers younger than 19 years of age, the previous year (15). One can only assume that the teenagers that get plastic surgery have their parents’ approval because insurance does not cover the costs of cosmetic surgery. However, the research report does not state how many of the plastic surgeries performed in 2005 were elective surgeries. Parents are also contributing to the problem of the sexualization of female youth by competing against other parents. Author Meg McSherry Breslin quotes family therapist and author William Doherty, in her article as saying that parents contribute to girls’ sexualization by using “competitive parenting.” Parents will compete against each other to prove that they are the better parent, by allowing their daughter to appear and act older than she is. When parents act this way, they are in a sense asking the media and retailers to keep coming out with new more grown up trends so that they can stay ahead of the other parents (qtd. in Breslin 15). Additionally, there are parents that enroll their toddler daughters in beauty pageants that encourage the young girls to act flirty to win votes. Breslin continues her

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