
The Short Story Nethergrave By Tim Berners-Lee

Decent Essays

Internet. The Internet is a vast place full of the world’s information as well as false information. The first prototype of the Internet, ARPANET, was invented in the early 1960’s as a platform to easier track planes and missiles. After 2 decades of trial and error, in 1980’s Tim Berners-Lee, a British computer scientist found the way to link all the factors and make what we know today as modern internet.
The Internet as we know it today is a very diverse place, almost like a virtual library. You have your study materials, your game section, just random fun things, bad medical advice and tons of other tips and tricks. Although the internet is a great place for finding information the internet can also be a very dangerous encapturing place. Some people believe that the world has become anti-social because of kids and teens “constantly” being on the internet. Some of this behavior was fictionally …show more content…

In the story, Jeremy uses a fake profile and fakes stories about himself to impress his online friends. This is considered/called catfishing. ‘Catfishing’ is another problem the internet brings. ‘Catfishing’ is when someone lies about who they are and or where they live and continues to lie about this while building relationships with other people. This causes a hurtful aspect of the internet

What are some basic facts about the internet?
The Internet was always a thought, many scientists worked on the idea of constant access to information. During the early 1960’s the Government launched a satellite called ARPANET.

2.) How has the internet presented a huge role in ways today?
The internet today has changed the way we do everything. When someone asks a question you never hear somebody say “Go look for the answer in a book!” The Internet has presented easy access 3.) What are problems the internet has brought into the

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