
The Slavery Of The United States

Decent Essays

Slavery has played a very integral part in the development of the United States so far. It has taught people the importance of racial equality and moral discipline, which was lacked back in the time when slavery existed. Moreover, slaves were used mostly by farmers and business owners who wanted to maximize their profits and wanted cheap sources of labor. Slaves were first imported into the United States back in 1502 by a merchant named; Juan de Córdoba. The South was very interested in bringing in more slaves so that they could use them to grow various kinds of crops such as ; tobacco, sugar, and cotton, in their huge plantations, which were owned by farmers. Thus, the south favored slavery as it brought them economic benefits. Even though slaves were very beneficial to their masters, they still were treated very badly. Men would get beaten, burned, whipped, and even hanged. Women would get raped and sexually abused by their slaveholders. The treatment of slaves got many people angry as they considered it to be “inhumane” and “harsh.” These people were known as Abolitionists. Abolitionists wanted to put an end to slavery and set all of them free. However, the people from the South resisted and defended the use of slavery. They argued that setting the slaves free would destroy the Southern economy that was being run based on the growing and selling of crops. They also argued that slavery had been part of mankind for centuries and centuries which date back to the

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