
The Social Differences Between Generation X And Mobile Phones

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Since 1975, the telephone has altered the way youth communicate with one another, and after decades of development it has ultimately led to touchscreen mobile phones which are known as ‘smart phones’. The versatility and convenience of mobile phones has revolutionised lives of all ages, surging across generations of X, Y and Z. However, despite mobile phone technology advancing to the stage where enough is never enough, constantly changing the way people live, learn, work and think. In addition, there is a massive social change between both generation X and generation Z, because of a vastly different methods in communicating via telephone, languages that are distributed, teenage behavior and relationships with others. In addition, Mrs. Nguyen part of the generation X, growing up in Vietnam, was interviewed to explore her youth and her thoughts on mobile phones. With the development of the telephone that was connected to a dialer via cable to wireless transmitted mobile phones. Reflecting on how she communicated in her youthful days, Mrs. Nguyen stated, “If we wanted to meet up somewhere, we would go to each other homes or meet at school and plan there, there were no such things as phones.” It is obvious to see that social change has taken place between generation X and Z. As the youth of generation Z are very reliant on mobile phones, found from the age of 13-17, 73% of teenagers obtain or are granted access to a smartphone and whereas 12% either choose not to have one or do

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