
The Soviet Union

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Gain of Prestige The Soviet Union was already setting up a unique standard of gender roles and gender equality, so the reinforced emphasis on fertility created an interesting return to traditional gender stereotypes. Despite the resurgence of the traditional ideal, the 1936 Decree was able to emphasize motherhood and nurturing without limiting women to the more feminine role. Instead, what occurred was the “super heroine” role, where the women’s maternity and industrial capital were both valued. Women were given both higher recognition for their role as a mother and also allowed to remain independent through her industrial power. The emphasis on the mother figure was seen throughout the whole 1936 decree, but most blatantly through the Mother Heroine awards. The Mother Heroine awards were an official government-run propaganda scheme set up by the Stalinist regime, in the form of medals given out to mothers based on the amount of children they had. A mother with five to six children received a “Motherhood Medal.” A mother with seven to nine children received a “Mother Glory” award, and a mother with ten or more children gained the highest achievement, the “Mother Heroine” award. Those who received the Mother Heroine award were also given a special certificate of the Praesidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR. The Mother Heroine awards didn’t offer economic compensation for child-bearing, but they did offer official, government-approved stamps of prestige for

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