
The State Of The Dakota Access Pipeline

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Native American people have been mistreated in a variety of ways throughout their long history with the white man. They have been slaughtered, poisoned, attacked, and had treaties violated. The most recent injustice is the conflict over the Dakota Access Pipeline. There are many striking similarities between the events at the Dakota Access Pipeline and the events of Wounded Knee in 1973. History is nearly repeating itself, but there is a difference in how the conflict is being viewed by the American masses. The Dakota Access Pipeline is an oil pipeline that will run just half a mile outside of the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe reservation. The U.S Army Corps of Engineers have approved the project, despite concerns from the tribe and others …show more content…

While the Natives have won this battle, they know that they have not yet won the war. They currently have as many as 7,000 people at their occupation, waiting for an official halt to the project. This is one of few small victories Native people have had in a very long time (Jaffe). In the late 1960s and early 1970s, the American Indian Movement grew into an influential force in American politics. Some notable events were their occupation of Wounded Knee as well as their occupation of Alcatraz Island. A few different governmental agencies such as the Bureau of Indian Affairs and the FBI saw AIM as a threat. They launched repeated attempts to disband the group. An example of this came during the trial after the second Wounded Knee incident. The prosecution prepared a man to give false testimony to the court in order to lock away one of the leaders. “Agent Price and perhaps Agent Williams had knowingly prepared this man to give false testimony; or, at the very least, they had found his story so convenient that they had not bothered to find out if it was true (Matthiessen 97).” The biggest opportunity for the BIA and FBI to get rid of their Indian problem came in 1973 at Wounded Knee. The Natives occupied the town in a response to Dick Wilson not being impeached over charges of corruption. As well as in response to the United States not upholding treaties. They were calling for the

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