
The Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde Essay

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English Questions on The Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde 1. What is the main plot of the book The strange case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde is a book based on a man with two different personality’s and two physical appearances, his own as well as a strange man who goes by the name of Mr Hyde a mysterious dark individual who lurks in the dark and pounces once spotting his prey weak an vulnerable. The character of Mr Hyde was created after Dr Jekyll created a special chemical solution which he drank, subsequently transforming himself into this different creature. Dr Jekyll ever since has been fighting with this other side, this evil vicious man in order to bring peace among him self and others, but the evil Mr Hyde is forever …show more content…

But during the course of the book Dr Jekyll becomes very edgy and his behaviour begins to deteriorate. Dr Jekyll in the book wrote his will stating that Mr Hyde was eligible to every thing Jekyll had. But Dr Jekyll's oldest friend Utterson began to feel like he should be the one to choose in his will as they had been friends for a long time, so he tried to convince Jekyll to change his will. Another reason he felt this needed to happen was because he had never heard of Mr Hyde and began to think the reason Jekyll had put Hyde in his will, was all part of a criminal act Hyde was playing in order to gain all of Jekyll’s money and possession’s by murdering Dr Jekyll. Mr Hyde on the other hand has been described as small (dwarfish) and rather young. People react in a scared horrified many when they see Mr Hyde, this is not because of one certain thing, it’s as if his soul releases fear into the souls of others. He’s a violent and cruel individual who shows no sense of guilt towards the crimes he commits. In Chapter 1 Hyde assaults a young girl, and in Chapter 4 he continuously beat an elderly gentleman to death. There was no motive for the attacks. There is no clear appearance of Mr Hyde as people only see him briefly and then he vanishes into the dark very secretly. 3. To recognise Dr Jekyll was beating up people In the novel we recognise Dr Jekyll who was Mr Hyde in certain situations, had been involved in various incidences involving

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