
The Struggles of Abuse in In Perks of Being a Wallflower by Stephen Chbosky

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The Struggles of Abuse Anthony Robbins once said, "The quality of your life is the quality of your relationships." What he is saying is that life is only as good as the relationships you create. Relationships are very important in one’s life. Without relationships, people would be lonely and would have no depth. Friendships and relationships both help develop people into who they will be in the future. Many relationships bring ease and happiness to others; however, not all relationships bring positivity into one's life, but there are always lessons learned. In Perks of Being a Wallflower, there are many characters and situations that are introduced. Charlie, being the main character, interacts, in one way or another, with many different people throughout the book. The main characters, Charlie, Sam, Patrick, and aunt Helen are the focuses of this book. I believe that Charlie is who he is because of the quality of the relationships in his life. Friendship is a concept that is very crucial to every life being that it provides one with intimacy and support. According to the developmental psychologists, relationships with peers are required in order to be normally socially developed. Patrick is a very important part of Charlie's life. He was the first person to accept Charlie and was Charlie's first friend in high school. Charlie had not had a friend since his best friend committed suicide the year before. The developmental psychologists said that relationships with peers are

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