
The Summary And Analysis Of The Few By Winston Churchill

Decent Essays

The Summary and Analysis of “So Few” Winston Churchill’s speech “The Few” is one worthy as any of admiration. In this speech Churchill addresses the contrast between the brutality of World War One and World War Two. He speaks of how despite the lessening of bloodshed, much of Europe has lost more than they had in “The Great War”. However, he follows this disheartening reality, with another hope inspiring reality. Churchill reminds all of the audience of England’s upper hand of the sea, her allie America, and her inevitable victory. He then guarantees people’s hopes by reminding them of the vicious air battles which they have not only been fighting, but winning. The admiration for the fighter pilots is one felt by the whole of the country, this is so evident that Churchill himself states, “Never in the field of human conflict was so much owed by so many to so few.” A remarkable quote, holding more meaning than that of the words alone. Despite great efforts, Hitler seemed to be an unbeatable force. This was the mindset which much of Europe unfortunately succumbed to during WW2. Churchill’s speech “So Few” was made to address this very mind set and dash its validity, but not before addressing the sound reasoning behind it. Churchill is able to use logic to explain the issue of Hitler’s army to his people, for one must first know his enemy before he is able to defeat him. He is then able to articulate the strategy by which they shall overcome the enemy. While presenting the

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