
The Theory Of Intelligence As Inherently Born With The Individual

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My opinion relating to the debate on intelligence. The concept of intelligence has originated innumerous discussions in the field of psychology and pedagogy, and it is also marked by controversy among scholars. One can say that many of these disagreements are generated from the lack of consensus on the definition and conceptualization of intelligence with regard to their nature, source and development. Generally, the theories that defends intelligence as inherently born with the individual, explain differences among people by genetic dispositions. Environmental theorists consider the environment in which individuals were raised and find themselves currently as the main factor determining their level of intelligence. In addition, we have a Factor G theory, which favors the existence of a single factor in the composition of intelligence, and theories which postulate the existence of different types of intelligence, such as the Theory of Multiple Intelligences, Emotional Intelligence Theory and Triarchic Theory of Intelligence. I believe interactionist theories explain better the true nature of intelligence, as they consider both the influence of genetic factors and environmental factors, as key elements and explain cognitive development as a result of interaction between the organism and the environment. Every kid at birth inherits from his/her parents a genetic load establishing its development potential. These capabilities may or may not develop according to the stimuli

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