
The Theory Of The Mind

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The mind is both rational and consciously aware in situations that demand a reactive response. It acts as a control system that communicates between the external world and the spiritual being, allowing reasoning to take play. For years, philosophers have hypothesized ways to identify the minds function and capabilities. Causing both controversy and accord, these philosophers center their theories on rationalism and take a methodical approach towards understanding the complexity of the mind.
René Descartes believed that the mind is free - “Cogito ergo sum,” I think, therefore I am. The mind involves thinking, which consists of an imagination, logic, and doubt. This relates to the concept that one actually exists and they have absolute certainty of the truth. The thinking thing, Ras Cognitus, is separate from the physical things, Res Extensa. Everyone is innately born with ideas; these ideas are a priori – ‘from before,’ which help people conceptualize what is real and what is not. Nonetheless, Descartes explained that there is no actual certainty of the senses because it might fool the eye and can cause an underlying deceit of the hidden truth of what is actually real. Descartes was an intriguing philosopher because he believed that the human body was dualistic. He believed that the mind, the nonphysical substance, cannot affect the physical world. In other words, the mind is separate from the body; therefore one cannot affect the other. Notably, he emphasized that the body

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