
The Treaty of Versailles

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A. Plan of Investigation

The Treaty of Versailles was created to bring peace between nations after WWI. This investigation will answer the following question: To what extent did the Treaty of Versailles bring peace? In this investigation, the extent of the Versailles Treaty’s success will be evaluated by examining the period of its development, 1918, to the rise of Hitler, 1933. Several sources were used in this investigation including a number of books that look at the terms of the Treaty of Versailles and the reactions those terms triggered. Many sources, both primary and secondary, also examine how those reactions resulted in a failure in the attempt of brining permanent peace. Two sources were evaluated for their origins, …show more content…

• Germany was allowed fifteen days to write their observations of the entire treaty (Clemenceau).
• If Germany refused to sign the treaty, the armistice would end and the Allies would invade their country (Watt 447).
• Germany was upset because they were not invited to the Peace Conference and had no say in the treaty (Trueman).
• According to historian Chris Trueman, anger spread throughout Germany. Many felt they were treated unfairly, especially regarding the “War Guilt Clause”. The citizens believed they were being punished for the government’s mistakes. The citizens did not declare war; it was the government (Lu).
• Brockdorff-Rantzau felt he had no choice but to sign document, even though many Germans did not want to sign the treaty (Watt 395).
• On June 28, 1919, the Treaty of Versailles was signed in the Hall of Mirrors by 32 nations (Marks 396).

IV. Terms of the treaty that were successfully carried out and failures of the treaty
• According to Chris Trueman, the League of Nations was created, land was successfully taken from Germany, their army and navy was reduced, their air force was eliminated. Many parts of the treaty were carried out (Trueman).
• Although the League of Nations was created, Germany was initially excluded from the League of Nations, therefore, defeating its purpose of bringing world peace (Trueman).
• The reparation demands were reduced in 1921 because Germany was unable to pay what

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