
The Trotter And Balaban Firm

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The Trotter and Balaban Firm has done well so far for this year. Though it is only September, we are already looking to end this year in good standing. During the year there were some tough patches. A property needed to be mortgaged for $175, and a railroad (which normally costs $200) was purchased for $500. These setbacks did not put our firm back much though, the mortgage property helped save a partner from going bankrupt, and the overbuy of the railroad proved to bring in more rent revenue than what it was purchased for. There was also some trading of land for the company that hurt one partner but helped the partner profusely. Though not all the trades of lands were smart decisions, (at one point our competitor owned the entire side of the board), the Trotter and Balaban Firm was able to pull through and hold strong. As the calendar year comes to a close in a few short months, the Trotter and Balaban Firm plan hope to remain in the good standing we are in now, if not in a better and more secure one. After reviewing our income statement for the ended month of September, our revenues were greater than our expenses. For our revenues, our rent revenue totaled $2600; utilities revenue $36; miscellaneous revenue $3,498; and our gain on sale was $515. For our expenses, our rent expense was $1802; utilities expense $80; miscellaneous expense $880; depreciation expense $74.25; other expense $62; property tax expense $258; luxury tax expense $300; and federal income tax expense

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