
The True Tragedy of Romeo and Juliet

Decent Essays

“What do you want to be when you grow up?” is the question we hear so many times as children. Yet, growing up does not necessarily mean becoming an adult. Rather, growing up is the change within one’s self that is illustrated by a heightened awareness, the ability to think reasonably, and the proficiency to conduct themselves in an appropriate manner. In adolescence, we turn to the adults in our lives to aid us in understanding our choices as we become increasingly responsible for our own actions. During this time in our lives, adults with worldly experience direct us down the path of good judgment in order that we may learn how to make good decisions. They near essential to us, even though not everyone has this advantage. William Shakespeare’s famous and celebrated tragedy, Romeo and Juliet, depicts several instances in which the title characters, though still naïve, behave more responsibly and maturely than the misguided adult figures in their lives–those of the Houses of Capulet and Montague, especially Juliet’s parents, and the culpable Friar Laurence. The earliest representation of the immature rashness of the Capulets and Montagues occurs at the beginning of the play. Two men of the House of Capulet consciously make the decision to goad a few men of the House of Montague into engaging in combat. Moments after the brawl begins, several Capulets and Montagues rush to join in the fighting without any hesitation or second thoughts. This entire fight scene shows the

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