
The United States Constitution

Decent Essays

The United States Constitution was adopted September 17, 1787. The purpose around its construction was to add more detailed rights, laws and regulations in the United States than the Articles of Confederation gave when it was established on November 15, 1777. The ratification of the Bill Of Rights added to the constitution December 5, 1791 created a clear understanding of the rights garneted to the American people. The founders created laws and restrictions that limited the governmental power and created a system democracy within those laws and in return fortified the foundation of what would become greatest country in the world. The signing of the executive order #9066 became one of the most violated constitutional failures in United States history. The same country that started a revaluation and constructed the Declaration of Independence for the reason to be free from Great Britain’s miss use of power violated the very foundation the U.S. was built around. After Japan’s attack on Pearl Harbor, the fear of a second attack on the West Coast caused President Franklin D. Roosevelt to sign Executive order #9066 on February 19, 1942 only two months after the attack. In their article “the Japanese American incarceration: The Journey To Redress,” Authors Yoshino William and John Tateishi write, “Executive Order 9066 gave broad authority to the military to secure the borders of the U.S. and to create military zones from which individuals, citizens, and aliens alike, could be

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