
The United States

Decent Essays

One of the main foundations upon of the Constitution is the innate belief that we are a government run are by the people, yet must simultaneously watch for the corruptions of those same people who stand beside us. It is the reason that the United States has a system of checks and balances, to prevent one branch from becoming too powerful, it is why we have the electoral college, though many argue it’s exclusivity has hardly served its purpose, and it is why we have the 7th Amendment, which guarantees all civil trials (that exceed $20, ironically) to be accompanied by a jury. Though the question of its justification and use is more complex than a complete agreement or disagreement, the amendment overall deserves its place among the others, and then some. It is not insusceptible to corruption, most will admit, but we need this right both for it’s efficiency and for it’s correlation with the very foundational principles that make up our country. Where the tyranny of man may become a problem in the court of law, the founding fathers proposed a system, trial by jury, that has served the public a great deal in terms of justice. It is their very distrust in human nature which correlated with its existence, and was put in place so the others could check the government against it’s own potential misdoings. Jurors who lack for a particular eye for the law may gain in return a higher sense of morality that would naturally be possibly altered for someone who has served in civil cases

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