
The United States Supreme Court

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The United States supreme court is the head of the judicial branch of the American government and was created to balance out the powers of both the legislative and executive branches. Here in the U.S. the government is essentially owned and operated by a two party system that consistently votes against one another, even if the proposed idea is one that individual members of both parties could agree on. Given the way the system runs, it would make sense to maintain a supreme court made up of equal parts Republican and Democrat with a swing vote in the middle such that the balance of power may be preserved. Sadly; however, this not always the case. Supreme court Justices are picked by the President and voted on by the Senate. As dark as the thought may be, at least half of the supreme court Justices are on their death beds. It is almost a certainty that within the next four to eight years there will be a great deal of vacancies to fill in the Judicial branch. This will no doubt give the President and senate at that time an unfathomable amount of power. There is a plethora of negative, or positive depending on your point of view, consequences that will go along with this. The first consequence of a disproportionate supreme court relies on the idea of a liberal majority. Of course the effect of this is simple. The rulings will favor a more progressive agenda, but what does that actually look like. Luckily there is no shortage of examples showing what this would indeed look

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