
Interpersonal Communication: Electronic Communication

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Electronic Communication
We live in a time where all information ever known to humans is one click away. At the age of twelve, I was given the most technologically advanced device of the time, a flip phone. I was one of the few kids in middle-school whose parents thought that a phone was appropriate for a child my age. That same year, my dad bought home a tiny desk and a huge desktop computer with miles of cables connecting each part. Today, I carry an iPhone 7 and further feed my need of technology. I was approached by an older man, probably a few years over sixty, as I was waiting for a relative at a bus station. He looked down at my hands which held my phone and fuzzed, reminiscing on the good old days. He made good arguments about how electronic communication prevents us from human interaction; however, he failed to see my point of view growing up as a millennial. Globalization of businesses, political powers, and human culture demands for effective communication that cannot be scheduled to a face-to-face meeting. Emails, social media, and texting are the modern ways to conduct business, gain political influences, and socially connect with others.
Interpersonal skills are those skills that facilitate effective communication between two people or more. They are developed through verbal and non-verbal interactions, undivided attention, and respect. After the acquisition of interpersonal skills follows the challenge of professional communication. Professional communication

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