
The Use Of Increased Intracranial Pressure As A Result Of Severe Traumatic Brain Injury

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Colton et al. (2014) research looked at 117 clients who experienced increase intracranial pressure as a result of severe traumatic brain injury. Their research looked at client’s respond to pharmacological interventions and these pharmacological interventions include hypertonic saline, mannitol, propofol, fentanyl, and barbiturate. In their research Colton et al., (2014) found “all treatment resulted in significant intracranial pressure changes after 1 hour or 2 hours except for mannitol and barbiturate administration” (Colton at el., 2014). This finding is significant given that mannitol is used as a first line treatment for management of increased intracranial pressure. The chart below demonstrates how each of these pharmacological interventions decreased intracranial pressure and it allows us to compare each pharmacological intervention to each other. (Colton et al., 2014) As you can see in table 3, a small dose of hypertonic saline was far more affective then mannitol in decreased intracranial pressure. “Intracranial pressure fell after administration of a “small” dose of hypertonic saline by 8.83 mm Hg in the first hours and 9.76 mm Hg in the second hour according to the manual data” (Colton et al., 2014). When comparing hypertonic saline to mannitol as well as the other pharmacological interventions, administration of hypertonic saline resulted in a significant amount of reduction in clients with intracranial pressure. Their study also revealed, “mannitol resulted in

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