
The V. Board Of Education

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The Everson v. Board of Education case in 1947 looked at whether or not church and state should be separate. The Everson v Board of Education case permitted reimbursement of money to parents who sent their children to school on public transportation. The parents who choose for their children to attend Catholic schools were also eligible for this reimbursement. Was the Establishment Cause of the First Amendment violated in this verdict? The Court has not always read the constitutional principle as complete, and the range of separation between Church (religion) and State (government) in the U.S. is a continuing topic of dispute. Religion has to do with what we believe about God, life, morals. Politics is government, order, society, and …show more content…

“Under God” is also part of our countries Plege of Allegence, not to mention all the times you will see “God” on all the buildings, monuments, memorials thought out Washington. With that said, it is hard to propose that religious beliefs don 't influence political decisions. The First Amendment states clearly that no religion shall be established by any branch of the United States Govement- keeping the Church and State separated (Madison, 1789). But at the same time, promises freedom of religion. Confusing? Yes. It shouldn’t be.
Our country is founded on the separation of church and state. I believe that religion should be private, between the person and their church. I think it is safe to say that the Founding Fathers believed the same. I say this because they did not put their trust in the common man to run the government. They chose educated men for groups like the Electoral College. The "separation of church and state" phrase, which has become widely known, was taken from letters written between President Thomas Jefferson and the Baptist Association of Danbury, Connecticut. Jefferson states “make no law respecting as an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof, “thus building a wall of separation between Church and State” (Jefferson, 1802). I believe that Jefferson understood that the government was

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