
The War Of The American Revolution

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The events that led up to the American Revolution war were not big events but a series of small events when compounded together each created the catalyst to launch the colonists into revolt. The first of the events to create the spiral effect was the seven year war or the French and Indian War. That war was fought by British soldiers on several different continents. The biggest location was fought in the British colonies of North America. The British government wanted to expand their territory. They wanted to continue to grow the colonies from the original thirteen by conquering more land further west. The British government felt as if they were fighting this war against the Indians and the French to expand the land specifically for the …show more content…

The Stamp Act, which placed a tax on a product that came into the colonies, was one of the events that were a catalyst in the revolution. Thus began to be dissension among the colonists. Colonist began to distrust the loyalist, British subjects that were in colonies governing over the colonist. . At the same time line as the Stamp Act , the tax act of 1773 was placed, which stated that there was a tariff placed on any goods sold out of the North American colonies. This tax then made the products that the colonists made to trade less competitive to the rest of the world because there was a fee attached to purchasing them. Of course the fee was paid to the British government. Once the British government implemented the Tax Act and the Stamp Act they needed individuals to collect those funds and manage them so they sent Royal British subjects to act as administrators in the colonies this infuriated the colonists The colonists begin to see themselves as separate. They wanted to have an identity different than Britain. They saw that the land they lived on was different, abundant with natural resources and the colonists felt that Britain couldn’t continue to provide the leadership they were looking for. British subjects and the colonists were of a difference of agreement in the need for slave labor. If the Colonists were to stay underneath of British rule slave labor would be outlawed because Britain had already outlawed it on mainland

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