
The War Of The United States

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At the start of the First World War the citizens of the United States were deeply divided on if the country should be involved and if so how much. Thanks to the mass amounts of immigrants that had established what was now a great nation America had become a country made from a diverse and multi-cultural fabric. This led to many opinions and views on the war effort. On the side that was against the war there were many out-spoken citizens that took to the streets and voiced their concerns. The government’s response to this was to take the drastic action of passing controversial laws in both 1918 and 1919 called the Espionage and Sedition Acts respectively. These laws would allow the government to fine or imprison American citizens for …show more content…

During this time the American public had been in deep controversy over whether or not to join the war. On one hand there were many who supported Wilson and his administrations efforts to keep the United States out of the war. Others, seeing no end in sight to the fighting, wanted to ensure the United States would be ready to answer the call to fight and defend itself if needed. A major source of contention was the 1917 Selective Service Act that required 24 million men to register for the draft. Some of the largest and most outspoken critics of Wilson’s administration and his handling of the war came from the Socialist Party and the Industrial Workers of the World (IWW). As it seemed only a matter of time until the United States would be caught up in the war, those opposed to getting involved and the administration’s newly formed propaganda machine the Committee on Public Information began distributing information backing their respective stance on both social and political agendas. Every means available was used by both sides, from newspapers and flyers to public gatherings and organized events. By the elections in the fall of 1917 the Socialist Party was responsible for one fifth of the votes. By this time the United States had formally declared war on Germany and needed as much support from the citizens as possible The Governments Answer A further

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