
The Wollstonecraft Detective Agency: Essay And Outline

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The Wollstonecraft Detective Agency essay and outline
1. Speaks her mind- “I hate poetry,’ Ada insisted.” (15) “Go away,’ saida small but determined voice from the wicker box.”(11) “ It’s not fair that miss Coverlet had to go marry stupid Cecil.” (13) “Your IMPOSIBLE!’ yelled Ada. . .”(13) “Just soggy horse poo.” (26) “A cannon. For shooting Peebs out of.” (29) “ It’s not Mr. Peebs,’mumbled Ada. . .” (31) “ . . . ‘You can’t be serious. I don’t know you.”(32) “ Criminals Aren’t very clever,” Ada declared.” (55)
2. Creative - “ He looked up and contemplated the hot air balloon with the large, square wicker box attaches beneath it.”(10) (Which Ada had built) “ I could be a magistrate, or on the constabulary, and put criminals in the newspaper.” (56) “ well” said …show more content…

. . I am full of tigers.” (163) “ Ada steeled herself. “Beau took the acorn. He just doesn’t know he took it.”(165) “ I had one puzzle piece disguised as two pieces.” (166) “ Rebecca didn’t steal the acorn, because she had it already.” (166) Ada convinces the prison guard that he has kidnapped herself and Mary, Ada uses reverse psychology. (121)
Creativity comes easily to Ada. She has hidden secrets in her family that she has no idea about. Her creativity comes from her father. She never never knew him yet she is just like him.
Young Ada at just eleven years old has a mind of an adult. She built a hot air balloon which carries her across the london harbor to rescue a stolen moonstone pendant. She is inventive with her words and her literal inventions.
Inventive-having the ability to create or design new things or to think

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