
The Xyz Affair Dbq

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The XYZ affair, that began in 1797, forced the United States to become the middle man of Great Britain and France. The U.S. and Britain signed Jay’s Treaty in hopes of preventing Britain from attacking U.S. ships. However, what did France think about this treaty? The answer came quickly when they began seizing American ships. France hoped the U.S. would continue to fight with Britain and eventually leading to a war. When the French aided the Americans in the American revolution, they expected the United states to aid them as well. To resolve this conflict, Adams sent over three diplomats Elbridge Gerry, John marshall, and Charles C. Pinckney to make the french to accept Jay’s treaty and make peace. Instead, they wanted the American envoys to give Marquis …show more content…

The U.S. saw this as an insult and an undeclared war known as “Quasi-war” began. Before the republican party was formed, foreign affairs related to the well-being of the state. The XYZ affair began because Adams wanted to prevent a full-scale war, not because increase of personal wealth but truly about protecting the newborn state. As time passes, the political parties change and motives alike because of the current state of the country. As the country expands with more wealthy people, greed circulates even more. The highly controversial political scandal known as “Iran-Contra” that began in 1985 that involved Nicaragua, The United States, and Iran. The United States supported the Contras but why? The popular answer was to use this as a method to stop communism. However, the weapons for the Iranians were not funded by the government. Reagan could not put this affair in the spotlight of the public, step up to congress and ask for funds to support the

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