
The symbolism of the plant in "A Raisin in the Sun"

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The symbolism of the plant in A Raisin in the Sun

One might ask how the scientific facts of the functional purpose of a plant would connect to a literary piece, especially the well-known play, A Raisin in the Sun, written by Lorraine Hansberry. The plant in the text symbolizes the foundation for the family, honest hope, and Mama's dreams. Symbolism is not a definition of an item, but represents something specific other than itself. Much like Mama's plant, it represents many meaningful ideas with supportive evidence throughout the text. The plant standing alone may seem like a generic addition to the setting of the Younger household, but when it is observed in a deeper analytical approach; the symbolism of it in itself holds such …show more content…

It also functions as transportation for minerals and food to the other parts, much like how Mama conveys her strength and wisdom throughout the family. When one imagines a stem of any plant, whether it is a large tree in a forest, or a small plant in a windowsill, the same illusion and symbolism comes to mind. The symbolic nature that a stem holds up heavy branches above qualifies as strength and stability. Mama is not solely one part of this plant, but all parts in different contexts. The lack of light that the plant gets lessens the chances of its survival, but the neither plant nor Mama give up. Discussing about her "children and they tempers," Mama then addresses that if her "little old plant don't get more sun than it's been getting it ain't never going to see spring again" (Act 1, scene 1, 40). The "light" symbolizes the energy the plant needs in order to grow, and her family desperately needs the same. Mama knows that her family needs a shot of hope to have any chance at happiness. The lack of light on her plant is much like the lack of hope within her family. Although there is negativity, she stands tall, much like a stem to continue moving forward towards their dreams.

Hope is a strong word that I believe is the only thing greater than fear. Mama and the Younger family hold onto that little bit of hope to get to where the need to go. Mama's sturdiness and consistency throughout the

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