
Their Eyes Were Watching God Analysis : Janie's Journey Through Marriage

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Analysis: Janie’s Husbands & Marriages Part I: In the book “Their Eyes Were Watching God”, the main character, Janie Mae Crawford, explains her life story in a flashback to her best friend, Pheoby Watson. Throughout her flashback, she experiences life and marriage with three different men named Logan Killicks, Joe Starks, and Vergible Woods. These three marriages were all different in their own ways, but they all aid in Janie’s maturity and illustrate her quest for independence. In Janie’s marriage with Logan, Janie came to a couple of realizations and she learned the goals she wanted to achieve out of life. In her first marriage, the man she was with was everything that Nanny Crawford wanted him to be. Logan Killicks was a farmer …show more content…

He even hit her in public at the town’s store when Janie put him in his place about the way he had been treating her [Page 80]. Jody’s pride, materialism, and urge to dominant had turned him into a cold, bitter old man that was on his dying bed with kidney problems [Page 85]. This was the only time Janie had to tell him about the independence she had longed for during their marriage [Page 85]. She knows that Jody was a good husband in the aspects that he provided for her and had power. These were the things that Nanny Crawford had wanted for her. However, Janie the things she wanted which were love and independence in love. She also gained wisdom from her and Joe’s long time together. Janie did not have to leave Jody to get out of this marriage, because he died immediately after she told him all the problems she felt had been in their marriage. Janie’s second marriage left her widowed, but a couple months after Joe Starks death Janie found her next husband. His name was Vergible Woods, but he was also known as Tea Cake. Janie and Tea Cake’s marriage was everything that she ever wanted for marriage to ever be. It is crazy how everything she wanted comes after she had been through two marriages. If Nanny Crawford were to be the judge of Tea Cake, he would be everything that she wanted Janie to stay away from. He was a young 28 year old marrying Janie at 40, he did not have much money or a big, nice place to stay, and he was a gambler with the

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