
Their Eyes Were Watching God By Zora Neale Hurston

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Zora Neale Hurston’s novel, Their Eyes Were Watching God, is packed with a plethora of themes and meanings. With each reading of the novel the most significant themes become more apparent. The main character Janie goes through a lifelong quest searching for something she can not quite put her finger on. She grows and develops as a woman and finds her voice in an era where men heavily ruled over women and during a time where black women (such as Janie) were often times not listened to. Through the novel, there are a few reoccurring themes that seem to be the main idea. The quest to find an encompassing love is one of them. Another prevalent theme in the novel was for Janie to find her voice and to do what she truly wants to do. However, …show more content…

After only two weeks of knowing him, she runs away with him. Instead of shutting down the notion of running away, like a married woman in love would, Janie “debated the matter” (28). Janie jumps at the chance to escape her old, overbearing husband by taking a chance with Jody, someone she barely knew. She went blindly into another marriage. Her naïve ways lead her to believe that she could easily find the love which she desired with someone she scarcely knew. Janie would soon come to realize that even though her husband loved her, his love was not what she was looking for. In fact, Janie came to notice the absence of her love for Jody very shortly after she and Jody settled down in a new town.
Janie’s time with Jody thrusted her into a new era of her life, one in which she would have to find her voice. This is because Janie began to feel as if she was being stifled by Jody. She would lose her voice and have to find it again. This occurred shortly after Janie ran off with Jody to a new town. The first instance of Janie being silenced was when Jody was appointed mayor by the town’s people and Janie was asked to give a few words on his behalf. Janie was given no time to respond before Jody swiftly cut her off saying, “‘Thank yuh fuh yo’ compliments, but mah wife don’t know nothin’ ’bout no speech-makin’… [in Janie’s mind] the way Jody spoke out without giving her a chance to say anything one way or another took the bloom off

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