
Their Eyes Were Watching God

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“Their Eyes Were Watching God” is a novel where Janie tells her whole story from childhood up to the death of Tea Cake. Some important details that show feminism are when Janie refused to work in the field with her first husband and also how Joe was very dominant and sometimes abusive in her marriage. I believe “Their Eyes Were Watching God” is a feminist novel because Janie did not follow the stereotypical of a woman during her time. Janie’s marriage to Logan Killicks was arranged, meaning she was not able to choose the person that she wanted to spend the rest of life with. Nanny only wanted what was best for Janie, but the right to choose is a large part of feminists movements. At one point in “Their Eyes Were Watching God”, Janie’s grandmother slaps her because she does not want to marry Logan Killicks. Also Janie did not want to work in the fields with Logan which led to arguments. This also removed the dominance that Logan may have had over Janie since she just did not do what he asked. …show more content…

Women during this time did not necessarily have the amount of freedom that Janie was able to have due to stereotypes and their husbands sometimes. Janie did not truly gain freedom until her second husband Joe passed away. Janie took care of herself after he died which was the opposite of what was going on in this time period because usually the husband in the household is the provider. Janie has a sense of freedom and independence because she is taking care of herself and she was able to uncover her hair from the rags after Joe

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