
Their Eyes Were Watching God Feminist Essay

Decent Essays

Brutal beatings that resulted in bruises, broken bones, and even death. Rape that haunted women until their last breath. Being caged and unable to go “tuh de horizon and back”. These are all things that Zora Neale Hurston tried to combat when composing Their Eyes Were Watching God. Through her novel, she tries to show the American people that women can choose the roles that they long for. In all, women have the right to pursue their desires.
Hurston’s main way of inspiring a sense of feminism in her novel, is through the relationships of Janie including her Nanny, Logan Killicks, Joe Starks, and Tea Cake. She addresses Janie’s role differently in each of these relationships using motifs and stereotypes. Janie begins her journey of self-discovery following the dreams of her Nanny to becoming a strong, independent woman who makes her own decisions. All of the roles that Janie obtains stem from the distinct …show more content…

Nanny urges Janie to adhere to the requirements of a woman with the role of a family maker including cooking, cleaning, and bearing children. Hurston bluntly states Nanny’s views upon the role of women in her simile of a mule. There black women are below everyone else on the totem pole including black men and whites. Janie’s first marriage is a stepping stone to finding her own role because it shows her what her life shouldn’t be like and it encourages her to find a new path while she still can. She lives as a homemaker who cooks and cleans, but that role doesn’t suit her. Janie’s goal is not to be a homemaker, a wife, or a mother no matter how much she believes it at the beginning of the novel. Her dream is to be free from the submission that she has lived with her entire life. Janie wants to be free more than she wants love, which can easily be seen when she shoots Tea Cake, her true love, to protect

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