
Their Eyes Were Watching God Thesis

Decent Essays

Their eyes were watching god thesis paper Throughout life we realize the impact of just words have on our life. There’s many events that have come out of people’s gossip, rumors, or judgmental attitudes. In Their Eyes Were Watching God by Zora Hurston, the effects of words had an impact that led to major events in Janie's life, both positive and negative ones. Gossip and rumors was a reoccurring event throughout the book which had major outcomes. Some words people say can have a negative effect on people’s lives. This is no different in Janie's case. In the beginning Janie’s grannie marries Janie off to a man named Logan. Janie did not love Logan but their relationship was not bad at first. He took care of her and spoiled her. One day Logan went out to get a mule for Janie because he felt he had spoiled her and she should help with the work. When he got back and Janie had met Joe Starks, Janie discussed leaving logan. Logan felt hurt but he didn’t want to let Janie know so he acted mean and bitter towards her, saying no one else would want her. If he hadn’t said terrible things to her it’s …show more content…

She felt free in a way but she knew that if she showed her new found freedom that the town would judge her. Finally she stopped mourning and she started seeing Teacake. She wore her hair down and wore blue dresses. She was no longer scared to show how liberated she actually felt. But as she predicted she was ridiculed and judged. The town felt as though she should still be mourning since Joe had only been dead a couple of months. Some even confronted Janie about it. But after all the harsh words toward Janie she realized she did not have to please them. She became more confident with herself and disregarded what everyone was saying and just focused on her and Tea Cake's relationship. The words the town said about her made Janie live for her and realized she could never make everyone happy with

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