
Theme Of Abuse In Their Eyes Were Watching God

Decent Essays

Effects of Abuse and Behavior
Abuse is a prominent theme we see in Their Eyes Were Watching God. From physical, emotional, and mental abuse, Janie is subject to all of these, as the important figures in her life take advantage of her in one way or another. With Nanny’s verbal and physical abuse, Janie’s mindset on love is completely altered. It is obvious that Nanny uses violence in order to appear superior to Janie, for example, when “She slapped the girls face violently, and forced her head back so that their eye met in struggle.” (Hurston 14). The fear that was struck into Janie by her grandmother is transformed into hate by the end of the book, tarnishing the relationship between Janie and Nanny.

Jody Starks, Janie’s second husband, is an all-around bad husband. Janie is taken by his good looks and sweet talking, but her dream of the perfect husband remains a dream with Jody’s controlling and condescending attitude towards Janie. …show more content…

He had the good qualities of Jody, but did not view her as a trophy, instead treating her with respect and pure admiration. Although Tea Cake is much better than her last two husbands, he still has a flaw that appears to be a common issue in this book: he is abusive. Tea Cake even admits that he doesn’t abuse Janie because she did something wrong, but he did it to “show them Turners who is boss.” (Hurston 148). Janie has experienced all kinds of abuse by the time she married Tea Cake, and we see a difference in her demeanor and in the handling of his abuse. He hits her when he suspects her of wrongdoing, and she does so to him as well. During her marriage to Tea Cake, she has more control of her voice, and “her partnership with Tea Cake contrasts with her subordination to Jody.” (Kubitschek 116). When she was with Jody, she was much more obedient to his demands than she is with Tea Cake; This greatly demonstrates Janie’s growth as a

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