
Theme Of Foreshadowing In The Pearl By John Steinbeck

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“In the town they tell the story of the great pearl - how it was found and how it was lost again.” The beginning quote of “The Pearl” already gives a hint of foreshadowing. It tells the readers that a pearl will be found, but then be lost again. Foreshadowing is an element of writing that is often something that a reader will find while analyzing the story. Foreshadowing is a great way to give suspicion and excitement to a story. It also creates an active reader as they are constantly predicting what the hint could be foreshadowing at. From the opening sentence to the end of the novella John Steinbeck creates suspense in the reader by foreshadowing. After reading “The Pearl” there are many phrases that jump out as hints signaling …show more content…

Coyotito’s death seemed very sudden and shocked many readers, but all along they were foreshadowed that something like this would happen. Readers should have seen the evil of Coyotito’s death as well as all of the other unfortunate things that happened. Such as Kino’s canoe being ruined, their house destroyed, and Kino’s killing of a man. The canoe was foreshadowed slightly when it says, “Kino’s canoe which was the one thing of value he owned in the word” (8). This phrase may pop out as a hint knowing that Kino ended up valuing the pearl more. Kino never destroys or gets rid of the pearl so then what he did value got wrecked. “He saw that a great hole had been knocked in the bottom” (32). Kino and Juana’s house was bound to be destroyed. Readers get hinted at this because whenever Kino is at his hut he hears “the dark music of the enemy”, and the “Song of the Enemy”. Fire was the enemy that attacked their house with “flames tall and furious.” “They saw the roof fall and watched the fire die down as quickly as a twig fire dies” (33). The killing of the man is not as direct as this. This evil deed was simply foreshadowed when Juana said, “It is evil” (30). Evilness was hinted at quite a bit, however it was all predicted by the narrator when he said, “It is not good to want a thing too much” (10). It predicts that good is not going to happen because he wants the

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