
Theme Of Happiness In Brave New World

Decent Essays

Happiness is one of the most satisfying things a person can have if they want to be sane or even remotely content with life. The definition of happiness is “the state of being happy”, or “pleasure, satisfaction, contentment, etc.” (Google, 2015) All of these feelings are very rewarding for a person to live with on a daily basis, without it I don’t think many people would make it too far in life. You hear stories on the news of someone who tries to commit suicide or of a person who took someone else’s life and wonder what went wrong or where did life go wrong for them. They obviously lost their happiness, or found themselves in a depressing state which drove them to madness. We may forget that our own individual happiness is important, but with …show more content…

There is no room for individuality, the society just cannot function in that way. “You’ve got to choose between happiness and what people used to call high art. We’ve sacrificed the high art.” (Huxley, 150) As a whole, we become accustomed to being able to be different, having our own identity, and some may say that we take advantage of the freedoms we have. Before reading the book I felt that it was the norm to distinguish yourself as a person, not knowing that these freedoms we have are what gives you a life of fulfillment. These people in Huxley’s perfect utopia do not know any different, they have no freedoms to have individuality, so how do they even know they can be happy if they cannot be different? They are also not thought of as important, they are all thought of to be the same which makes me wonder how they know what true happiness could even feel like. The society is refused any right or opportunity to plan out their own lives or to have a role in society other than what was created specifically for them. I see this as an issue in human growth as it does not leave much room for a person to learn who they truly are. I think that in order for you to mature, or grow as a person, you need to have life experiences that teach you right or wrong and even the ability to find out who or what you want to be. In my mind, this plan in Brave New World is overly thought out and will suffer eventually because nothing can ever stay perfect. I also wonder how one could think that a plan to control a society like this could not eventually have some flaws. I always hear stories of people who are just naturally different and somehow break out of the shell they were in. What if one of these people were not controllable and caused them to turn on his or her own people. This could cause mayhem in a world full of people who do not

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