
Theme Of Harrison Bergeron

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Ever thought about everybody being equal? In the story, “Harrison Bergeron” by Kurt Vonnegut Jr. is about a family who had to have at least one handicap on them, only because they were smart, looked good, or even athletic. The setting takes place in the future of 2081. Therefore their government was ruling everybody's life and body. Only because they were in one way superior from other people. They would also harm the people physically and mentally one is they would have the athletics wear like a fifty pound weight and overly intelligent would wear a handicap that would affect them to slow their brain. His thoughts fled in panic, like bandits from a burglar alarm.”That is only one of many handicaps that they would put on people because …show more content…

This connects to the theme because it is showing that he does not give up on the way he is. ` In the middle, afterwards they were in the living room watching tv when a buzzer had hitting George's head and caused him to forget what he was doing or seeing. Then George and Hazel were talking and Hazel said something like if she was the handicapper General she would try to get their son back.Not to mention when they were watching they saw and heard that their son had escaped jail. In addition, Harrison when to the ballerinas Stadium and the ballerinas had to wear heavy weights because they were better dancers than normal people are. A evidence that supports my theme¨Harrison plucked the mental handicap from her ear, snapped off her physical handicaps with marvelous delicacy. Last of all he removed her mask¨. That supports my theme because it's showing that Harrison does not care that he is overly intelligent or athletic he wants to be him without being hurt physically. He just wants for everyone to be with him that hurting innocent people only because they want people for all to be equality All due to the 211th,212th and 213 amendment. He is trying to make other people realize that they should not wear the devices that hurts them in many ways. Lastly, Harrison was on live tv and he started to command stuff and one important thing he knew that the Handicapper General was there Diana Moon Glampers . Harrison started to dance with one of the

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