
Theme Of Immigration In The Book Of Unknown Americans

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Immigration, a very popular topic, but most people only think about one side. The U.S citizen side is common knowledge, but what about the immigrant’s side? In the novel, The Book of Unknown Americans, by Cristina Henríquez, and in the article "Sick and Afraid, Some Immigrants Forgo Medical Care”, by Jan Hoffman, the major theme is immigrants and their fear. As shown in the novel and the article, immigrants have feelings and families, hopes and dreams. Immigration is a very controversial issue in the United States, but it should not be, since immigrants are people too, according to both of theses sources. Medical issues, the fear of harm, and unfair treatment, are the major things that both of these sources have in common and agree on. Immigrants are struggling in America, in more ways than one, and many are wondering if coming to America was the right choice.
The Book of Unknown Americans is a novel about a family of immigrants who came to America to seek medical attention for their daughter. While this novel is fictional, it still portrays the lives of legal and illegal immigrants. This novel does not just show the lives of the main characters, it also includes stories from other immigrants, and their personal struggles in America. While the article, Sick and Afraid, Some Immigrants Forgo Medical Care, is about real events, it has a similar theme as the novel. In this article, illegal immigrants are risking their lives by not getting the medical care they need because they

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